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Est. 1971
Watson Towers
Innovative Engineering Solutions
Sun Works, Waverley Street, Coatbridge, ML5 2BE | 01236 606 000 / 01236 449 338 |
Whats New at Watson Towers

Feature in Machinery Market - 29/11/2019
To enable the efficient completion of a challenging project in a nuclear plant, Watson Towers Ltd — a leading UK engineering and steel service provider — recently bought a 3.5m-capacity version of Faro’s QuantumE ScanArm fitted with a FaroBlu Laser Line Probe SD and supported by Faro’s CAM2 metrology software.
The tasks in question were to very accurately reverse-engineer large fabricated parts located inside a nuclear plant, produce new parts that were precise duplicates of the originals, and fit them.

Shot Blasting and Priming Facility - 23/05/2019
Watson Towers announce that they have undergone construction of a shot blasting and priming facility, which is set to be completed in Autumn 2019.
The new facility, which is on the original Sun Works site, will be able to automatically shot blast plates, section and beams up to 2.5m wide.
Keep in touch for further news on the installation of our new shot blasting machine.
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